Outdoor performance explained...
Offered in a wide selection of stylish and sophisticated fabrics with a soft hand, the Outdoor Performance cushions use the softest, most luxurious fillings that give the feel of the most comfortable indoor furniture. A highly water-resistant barrier beneath the outer fabric cover protects the fillings, keeping drying times to a minimum.
Fabrics special features
Fabric swatches
Download water resistant fabric swatch (PDF 2.5MB)
Download outdoor performance fabric swatches (PDF 782KB)
Rain fabrics
Sunbrella Rain is a water resistant version of the standard Sunbrella upholstery fabrics. Rain fabrics are treated with a weatherproof coating that minimises water absorption and enables the cushion to dry out much faster than standard fabrics.
Rain fabrics can be completely moisture-free within minutes after a simple wipe-down. When wet, the fabric threads expand slightly, meaning any water simply beads up on the fabric surface, rather than seeping into the cushion filling and leaving behind residual moisture.
Rain fabrics are a little stiffer than the traditional Sunbrella fabrics, but they share the same market-leading performance in terms of durability, fade resistance, and ease of cleaning - making them the ideal choice for all outdoor living and dining spaces.
UKFR (Fire resistant) fabrics
In addition to our standard grades of fabrics, we also offer five specific fabrics in fire resistant versions. The fire resistant versions of Sailing Seagull, Cameron Granite, Fife Rainy Grey, Blend Linen and Blend Coal have an additional back coating applied to ensure they meet the stringent UKFR (Fire Resistant) standard. These fabrics are not water resistant, so we recommend that furniture covers are always purchased when specifying these cushions.
Recycled content fabrics
Fabrics with the recycled icon contain Sunbrella recycled yarns that emulate a homespun look with a natural diversity of colour within the yarn. Due to the nature of the recycled content, these fabrics may exhibit random colour specks and shade variations.
These slubs can sometimes be a contrasting colour. The recycled content used is collected from the Sunbrella manufacturing facility, where the waste is segmented into colour groups, reduced back to its fibre state and finally mixed with virgin fibre before making its way through the manufacturing process.
Due to the recycled nature of this fabric, the colour may vary between production batches and large sections of recycled yarns may run sporadically throughout the fabric. The presence of these recycled yarns should not be interpreted as imperfection, but as part of the character of the recycled fabric.